
Who can become a SuperSTEM user?

The SuperSTEM facility serves the world-wide scientific community: U.K. and international researchers alike are welcome to apply for instrument time. 

The following paragraphs provide a step-by-step guide to becoming a SuperSTEM user.

Step 1 : Contact us 

Feel free to contact us informally to talk about your intended project before submitting a formal proposal. In fact, we strongly recommend you do so: this is the most efficient way to design a set of experiments that both suits our instruments' specific capabilities and helps you answer your scientific questions.

Step 2:  User Registration 

All potential users must register for themselves.

Anyone who is to be added to a proposal as a principal or co-investigator must be registered in the SuperSTEM online system before the proposal can be considered.

Step 3: Submit Proposal

In the proposal, outline over 2-3 pages:   (example of a successful proposal )

This document will help the SuperSTEM scientific staff and time allocation panel to evaluate your project, to plan the adequate allocation of instrument time and to assign a member of staff to your proposal, if you are not directly in contact with one of us already. 

Submit your proposal  by email to:

Step 4 : Review process

Proposals are regularly evaluated by our staff and allocation committee, aiming to provide feedback to prospective users at intervals no longer that six weeks. Proposals are assessed on merit, suitability and needs of your experiments on the basis of your scientific proposal, as described in Step 1.