Facility Statistics
The Key Performance Indicators for the EPSRC National Research Facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy are as follows:
Percentage of user enquiries responded to within 5 days
Percentage of access requests responded to within 8 weeks
Percentage of training requests responded to within 1 month
Percentage of training requests delivered within 3 months
Number of user complaints (expressed as a percentage of the total number of user approvals made within the period)
Percentage of instrument uptime per microscope within the reporting period (Note: the contractually-defined 100% facility uptime = 365 user days a year over 2 instruments, i.e. an annual average of 182.5 user days per microscope. Instrument uptimes of more than 100% indicate additional days released to the user community in excess of the contractually agreed Service Capacity)
Percentage of access costs recovered by year 3 (target - not a binding Service Level)
Percentage of access costs recovered by year 5 (target - not a binding Service Level
Number of scientific communications
Number of outreach and publicity activities
Additional reported figures:
Number of new users;
% of non-consortium users PIs making proposals;
Total number of proposals submitted;
Number of off-site 8 hour user days.