EPSRC National Research Facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy

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09/07/2024: Updated Case Studies. Read more

03/06/2024: European Microscopy Society Award for SuperSTEM Director. Read more

SuperSTEM is the EPSRC National Research Facility for Advanced Electron Microscopy. 

We support a wide variety of multi-disciplinary research by providing access to: 

Access to SuperSTEM is open to academics within the world-wide scientific community. Commercial and proprietary research access is welcome, subject to funding. 

Our own research or research carried out in collaboration with other institutions ranges from fields as diverse as metallurgy, photovoltaic semi-conductors, thermoelectric oxides, catalysis for clear air technology, soft matter as well as microscopy instrumentation and technique development. See a collection of case studies and a description of some of our on-going projects for an insight into the diversity of research areas supported by SuperSTEM.

The principal location of the facility is a purpose-built low-vibration laboratory on the SciTech Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus. The facility is embedded within the UK academic community through a consortium of universities, led by the University of Leeds and joined by the Universities of Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford and York.

SuperSTEM Logo
Leeds University Logo Click to go to Leeds Uni
Glasgow University Logo Click to go to Glasgow Uni
Liverpool University Logo Click to go to Liverpool Uni
Manchester University Logo Click to go to Manchester Uni
Oxford University Logo Clilck to go to Oxford Uni
York University Logo Click to go to York Uni