SuperSTEM Launch 2012 Program
Launch of
the EPSRC National Facility for Aberration Corrected STEM
by Andrew Bourne (Head of Physical Sciences, EPSRC)
on Wednesday 11 January 2012
A Pioneering Facility
The world of electron microscopy has undergone a revolution in recent years with leaps in the performance of electron optical elements, sources and detectors. While instruments are becoming ever more powerful their complexity is also multiplied. This trend places renewed emphasis on national facilities that gather in one place state-of-the-art instrumentation and world-leading experts in the field. The SuperSTEM laboratory was one such pioneer, opening the frontiers of electron microscopy to the scientific community by becoming in 2003 the first user centre in the world to provide access to aberration-corrected microscopes. After a competitive tendering process, the SuperSTEM Consortium was recently awarded by EPSRC the status of National Facility for Aberration-Corrected STEM.
The event will take place in the Atrium
STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Keckwick Lane
For site map see below and further directions here
or 01925 864 909
by 1st December 2011
The consortium, led by the University of Leeds and joined by the Universities of Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Oxford, will manage and administer this National Facility. Revolving around its central hub on the STFC Daresbury Campus, the SuperSTEM facility brings together the scientific and technical expertise of world-renowned academics. It will provide U.K. researchers and their worldwide collaborators access to unique instruments, both on the Daresbury site and across its member institutions.
Inauguration Ceremony
To celebrate its launch, a ceremony will take place on Wednesday 11 January 2012, opening at 11am with inauguration lectures by Nobel Prize Laureate Konstantin Novoselov (Manchester), Ondrej Krivanek (Nion), Christian Colliex (Orsay LPS) and Quentin Ramasse (SuperSTEM). These will be followed by addresses from Colin Whitehouse (STFC), Andrew Miller MP (Chair of Science & Technology Select Committee), and Graham Evans MP. The official opening of the facility by Andrew Bourne, Head of the EPSRC Physical Sciences Programme, will take place at 1pm. A lunch reception will be held thereafter.
Poster Session and Discussions
A poster and discussion session in the afternoon, from 2pm to 4pm, will highlight SuperSTEM's current and future research capabilities, with guidance and advice on how to become a SuperSTEM user. Guests will have the opportunity to interact directly with SuperSTEM staff and to join guided tours of the facility in the afternoon.
The STFC Daresbury Campus with the Atrium (shaded blue),
the visitor car park (shaded yellow) and SuperSTEM (shaded red):